"Yanna Rata Wate" - How Travsome United Tourists and Locals Through Music

To bridge this gap and foster a deeper connection between tourists, local businesses, and travel aficionados, Travsome embarked on a campaign that would not only promote brand awareness among Sri Lankans but also celebrate cultural exchange in a novel and engaging way.


4 million




1 million


Leveraging the universal appeal of music and the rich cultural heritage of Sri Lanka, Travsome decided to involve both foreign tourists and local young adults in a collaborative project. The chosen vessel for this cultural amalgamation was the beloved Sri Lankan song “Yanna Rata Wate” by Desmond De Silva, renowned for its travel themes and evocative imagery of the island’s heritage sites. The campaign aimed to teach tourists this quintessentially Sri Lankan song, allowing them to immerse themselves fully in the local culture and, in turn, share this experience with the local community through a heartfelt performance.


  • Cultural Immersion and Musical Collaboration: Travsome organized tours for tourists across Sri Lanka's picturesque landscapes, introducing them to the song's melody, lyrics, and significance. This journey culminated in a collaborative performance, captured on video and shared on Travsome's social media platforms.
  • Viral Sensation: The campaign struck a chord, with the video rapidly going viral overnight. Shared extensively across various social media channels and WhatsApp, it showcased the power of cultural synergy and the universal language of music.
  • Impressive Reach and Engagement: Achieved with virtually no production or media costs, the campaign reached over 4 million people, garnered more than 1 million views, and received over 30,000 shares in just a week, far exceeding expectations.
  • Brand Awareness: The overwhelming response and widespread sharing of the video significantly boosted Travsome's visibility among local audiences and positioned the brand as a pioneer in fostering meaningful cultural exchanges between tourists and locals.

Travsome's innovative approach to promoting brand awareness through a music-driven campaign not only amplified its presence among local travel enthusiasts and businesses but also showcased the profound impact of integrating tourists into the cultural fabric of Sri Lanka. This case study exemplifies how leveraging cultural heritage and the arts can transcend traditional marketing strategies, creating deeply resonant and widely celebrated campaigns that foster a sense of community and shared experiences.

Execution and Result

Travsome's campaign utilized cultural immersion and musical collaboration, offering tours across Sri Lanka where tourists learned about and participated in a song significant to the local culture. This journey ended in a collaborative performance, captured on video and shared across Travsome's social media platforms.

  • Viral Sensation: The video quickly went viral, demonstrating the universal appeal of cultural synergy and music.
  • Impressive Reach and Engagement: With minimal production costs, the campaign reached over 4 million people, garnered 1 million views, and received 30,000 shares in just one week, surpassing expectations.
  • Brand Awareness: The viral success significantly enhanced Travsome's visibility, positioning the brand as a leader in cultural exchanges between tourists and locals.

Travsome's campaign exemplifies how leveraging cultural heritage and arts can create impactful marketing that goes beyond traditional strategies, resonating deeply with audiences and enhancing brand awareness through meaningful cultural experiences.

Ready to get started? Have questions? Feel free to reach out at anytime !

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